fine art prints and art books for sale – posters, etchings, lithographs, serigraphs, collotype prints, art in portfolio, art calendarsfrom mid to late 20th Century
margolin – The Golden Age of the American Poster, artist index (1976, book)
The Golden Age of the American Poster, 1890-1900 by Victor Margolin (introduction) – Ballantine Books 1976 Softcover book ISBN 13:0345251296695 – index of illustrations, by artist (available from, Stock ID#MAR276bv)
The Golden Age of the American Poster, 1890-1900 by Victor Margolin (introduction) – Ballantine Books 1976 Softcover book ISBN 13:0345251296695 – index of illustrations, by artist (available from, Stock ID#MAR276bv)