vreeland – Vogue Poster Book, 3 views (1975)

Vogue Poster Book by Diana Vreeland (introduction) - The Conde Nast Publications, selected Vogue 1911 to 1926 magazine covers, Harmony Books 1975 Softcover book ISBN 10:0517520443- composite view to show front and back covers and spine (available from KerrisdaleGallery.com, Stock ID#VOG275bv)

Vogue Poster Book by Diana Vreeland (introduction) – The Conde Nast Publications, selected Vogue 1911 to 1926 magazine covers, Harmony Books 1975 Softcover book ISBN 10:0517520443- composite view to show front and back covers and spine (available from KerrisdaleGallery.com, Stock ID#VOG275bv)

Vogue Poster Book by Diana Vreeland (introduction) – The Conde Nast Publications, selected Vogue 1911 to 1926 magazine covers, Harmony Books 1975 Softcover book ISBN 10:0517520443- composite view to show front and back covers and spine (available from KerrisdaleGallery.com, Stock ID#VOG275bv)